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TECH STACK - Node.js | Express.js  | JavaScript | Sequelize | PostgresSQL | pg | Bcrypt | jSON Web Tokens | EJS templating engine | HTML5 | CSS | Bootstrap |



MEOWMEOW is a back-end-focused art auction app-concept focusing on CRUD operations. The app was built in the Node.js environment on top of an Express.js framework. Sequelize is used for queries, facilitating CREATE, READ, UPDATE and DELETE's by users and admin to the cloud database, housed in ElephantSQL. Bcrypt.js is used to hash and secure user passwords while JSON Web Tokens provides access tokens for users to traverse protected layers within the app. 

Demo Username: meow

Demo Password: meow



AUTHO is a back-end demonstration of password encryption and user authentication using a cloud database. Password hashing and token assignment allow users to route to private "profile" routes.

TECH STACK - Node.js | Express.js  | JavaScript | Sequelize | PostgresSQL | pg | Bcrypt | jSON Web Tokens | EJS templating engine | HTML5 | CSS | Bootstrap |

TECH STACK - JavaScript | HTML5 | CSS | Bootstrap |



Shred Lightly is a front-end-focused web app that allows users to search mountain bike trails by city. Each user search will query the trailAPI using a 50 mile radius of the city center's latitude and longitude- powered by the Google Maps API. Search results are DOM-rendered using Bootstrap5 Card Groups.


Key features within the card allow users to jump to for detailed information and to render maps specific to their trail selection. This map feature is powered by Google Maps Embed API, again using the latitude and longitude from the user's selection.

TECH STACK - JavaScript | HTML5 | CSS | Bulma |



MysteryBee is a spelling game built upon the FreeBee API, cloned from the New York Times Spelling Bee app. The game logic uses the API to renders all DOM elements for game play, checks user-input for accuracy and assigns points based on length of accurate inputs. The game logic continues by collecting the accurate inputs in a list and accumulating points as the list of accurate inputs grows. User inputs that do not follow game rules throw errors in the form of modals.


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