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Full Stack Engineer & Web Developer


I am currently transitioning from a design education career into web, software, and app development. As an artist, designer, and educator, I learned to be visually literate, agile, intuitive, nimble, and receptive to media and the ways in which people respond to that media. That is what it means to be a good designer and creative contributor regardless of the product being created and built.


In addition to my hard coding skills, which are growing daily, this is the knowledge base and understanding I will bring to the table as a developer on your team.


I see the big picture, yet I can take deep dives into granular tasks without losing focus of my team’s end-goals. I push ideas, I ask question, I solicit advice, I’m social and most importantly, I understand the baseline structure of project development: COMMUNICATION, RESEARCH, DOCUMENTION & IMPLIMENTATION. I look forward to seeing how my unique blend of knowledge and skills can add value to your development team.

Technical Skills


​JavaScript | SQL | HTML5 | CSS | Markdown | shell scripting


.React | Redux | Express.js | Sequelize | pg-Promise | json web tokens | jsx, ejs and es6 templating engine | bcrypt.js | Material UI | Bootstrap | Bulma


Node.js | npm | Visual Studio Code | Postico | git | GitHub | postregSQL | elephantSQL | Postman | BeeKeeper


Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop/Lightroom | LightBurn | SolidWorks | Design2020 | Figma | Lucidcharts

Educations & Work Experience


2022                DigitalCrafts, Full Stack Software Development

2010                 Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Master of Fine Arts in Print Media

2007                University of Texas Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art Education

2007                University of Texas Bachelor of Arts in Studio Art


2020-22          Associate Professor of Art and Design, University of Wisconsin-Parkside,

2014-20           Assistance Professor of Art and Design, University of Wisconsin-Parkside

2012-14            Associate Lecturer of Art and Design, University of Wyoming


  • Achieved academic tenure and promotion to Associate Professor with the University of Wisconsin in 2020.

  • Managed a successful art business at a national scale under the umbrella of the university mounting over 80 exhibitions and special engagements from 2014-2020.

  • Created and managed an art and design teacher education certification and degree track at the University of Wisconsin in collaboration with the state of Wisconsin’s Department of Public Instruction.


  • Served on board of directors for the Racine Art Council from 2014-2017

  • Served as Chair of Faculty Senate for the University of Wisconsin-Parkside from 2019-2022

  • Served as Chair of Academic Policies Committee for the University of Wisconsin-Parkside from 2018-2022


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